C programming for embedded systems part 2

C Programming for Embedded Systems, part II

Interested? Contact us!
3 days
SEK 21.750
DKK 15.500
EUR 2.000

Request more information

Lena Bernhardsson – Sweden
+46 (0) 40 59 22 09

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019

Loan of training material, loan computers and lunch are included.

This C Programming training course is the second in our series of C-programming courses. You will learn more about the advanced possibilities and structures available in the language C. It is mainly a hands-on training course and the many exercises will take you a large step forward in your C-programming.


Our aim with this training course is to give you the necessary, deeper knowledge in C programming that you need.

You will learn valuable tricks and ways to make time saving constructions in you development process.


This C Programming training course is designed to suit developers and programmers of embedded systems with some experience in programming.

You probably wish to deepen your C programming knowledge.

Previous knowledge

You need to have basic knowledge in C programming, corresponding to our course C programming for embedded systems, part I .

Practical exercises / Tools

This course have many exercises following up the theory part of the training.

We use an integrated Windows environment. You will edit, compile and link you code via a compiler from Keil, and a Lauterbach-debug connected to an ARM Cortex-M3 board.



What C language has meant and future possibilities, i.e. C++

Short retrospect (part I)

Special C language-phrases / words

  • Portable code; What to keep in mind with writing code possible to reuse in other projects
  • Advanced structures; Compound data types and references with pointers and links. Dynamic memory management in combination with structures
  • Self defined data types; Definitions and differences versus the use of macros
  • Using pointers; Thorough review regarding the use of pointers, and their advantages.
  • Function pointers; Function calls via function pointers. Abstract data types. Examples of implementation of an abstract data type and its use
  • Assembler and C; How a call from C to Assembler is done
  • Hardware; How to write C towards a special HW
  • Library; We create libraries with functions and use them in practice.
  • Optimising; How does optimising affect the program?
  • Error handling; How to avoid errors and program crashes.

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