Mx-Suite – One Test Tool That Has It All

– Mx-Suite™ is simply the most comprehensive platform for automated embedded software verification and validation.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so Mx-Suite uses intuitive graphics to streamline your engineering development efforts. Because of Mx-Suite’s layered architecture, the same tests are reusable at any stage of the development process:
Model-in-the-Loop, Software-in-the-Loop, or Hardware-in-the-Loop.

Easily Meet ISO 26262 Safety Requirements for Test

Mx-Suite incorporates model and structural code coverage tools and requirements traceability to help ensure your tests cover your ASIL requirements. A tool qualification kit is available, approved by TUV SUD for ISO 26262 process requirements.

MX-suite Danlaw

Easy Integration

Mx-Suite connects to most types of test and measurement equipment right out of the box, and Danlaw can quickly customize Mx-Suite to support new interfaces.

Mx-Suite also seamlessly integrates with popular ALM systems such as IBM Rational Doors, Polarion QA, Atlassian Bamboo, and Jenkins.


  • Jumps in at Any Stage of the Process
    Regardless of where you are in development, Mx-Suite can test your implementation so you save time and money by testing early and testing often.
  • Creates Test Summaries That Are Easy to Read
    Reports are formatted using a drill-down approach so managers can see overall test summaries and engineers can find the root symptoms of successful or failed runs.
  • Shows a Picture of Where a Test Failed
    Detailed test reports display failures as a sequence of inputs and outputs over time so there’s no confusion. Data tables and timing charts support detailed analysis by your development team.

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