Lauterbach training

Lauterbach Debugging

Date: On request
Place: Malmö
Language: English or Swedish
Price: 1.050 EUR, 11.995 SEK, 7.995 DKK

Request more information

Magnus Kindberg (SE, NO)
Phone: +46 (0)40 59 22 22

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019


Lauterbach TRACE32 is a development tool designed for complex applications and is available for a number of different processors. 

You have the possibility to participate in a Lauterbach Debugging training course giving you a flying start using a PowerDebug unit. The training is relevant for all architectures like ARM, Tricore, PowerPC etc. 


You will learn how to get started in debugging with Lauterbach TRACE32 and you get an introduction to the Lauterbach products.  


You also have basic programming knowledge in C and embedded systems. 



We use Power Debug unit with an ARM based target(Zynq Ultrascale) for all exercises.  



  • TRACE32 Configuration
  • Debug Setup
  • GUI
  • Basic Views
  • Runtime Memory Access
  • Debug Symbols
  • Variable Views
  • Performance Analysis
  • RTOS Awareness
  • Breakpoints
  • Advanced Breakpoints
  • Multicore (AMP and SMP)
  • API
  • Scripting 

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