Using C++ in Embedded Systems – Applying C++11/14/17/20”

Using C++ in Embedded Systems – Applying C++11/14/17/20

Next course: TBD
Place: TBD
Price: SEK 21.750
DKK 15.500
EUR 2.000

Request more information

Heidi Lehtomäki – Finland
phone: +358 40 196 0142

Lena Bernhardsson – Sweden
+46 (0) 40 59 22 09

Klaus Ahrensbach – Denmark
Phone: +45 3116 1019

Training material and lunch are included (Lunch is not included for Online Courses)

Over the years, the object-orientated programming turned out to be a sound and battle-hardened way of working in system development. Traditionally C has been the dominating programming language in the embedded system context. This training intends to introduce C++ as the common extension of C when applying object-oriented embedded system development. Since C++ encloses C, this training takes us from C to C++ in a natural way and looks under the hood of how C++ is implemented. This is especially valuable to comprehend when applying C++ in an embedded resource limited environment. The recent years the C++ standard has been undergoing a few revisions – a.k.a. as C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20 – and a new one is on its way, C++23. This course addresses subjects brought in with these revisions that are especially useful like high performance memory management, concurrency making use of a multicore environment, and bare-metal close to the hardware programming.


The major objective of this class is that you shall be able to use C++ in a “correct way”.
♦ Introduce C++ as an object-oriented language alternative in an embedded system context
♦ Show the similarities – and differences – with the C language
♦ Comprehend different memory management strategies – especially the move semantics introduced with C++11
♦ Look under the hood and understand what different paradigms in C++ leads to in machine code
♦ Discuss about using constexpr to get things done already at compile-time –the replacement for macros and hardcoded literals
♦ To use templates to achieve type safe high order abstractions for bare-metal close to the hardware programming – memory mapped I/O as well as interrupts – especially the variadic templates introduced with C++11
♦ Provide some useful design patterns especially applicable in an embedded context
♦ A few exercises to practice some concepts


This training is aimed C++- programmers who intend to start using C++ in an embedded system context.

Previous Knowledge

The course requires basic knowledge in C++ programming, corresponding to our trainings

”C++ Level 1 – An Odyssey of C++: Core Language” and

”C++ Level 2 – An Odyssey of C++: Standard Library”.

Practical Exercises

During the training you will practice the presented concepts in a few exercises. We will use the open and free integrated development environment from Eclipse.


1. What’s an Embedded System?

  • Simple Definition
  • Some Milestones
  • Characteristics
  • Why using C++?

2. Comparison with C

  • C: A subset of C++ – almost
  • Performance
  • Added “Free” Functionality
  • Why not using C++?

3. Classes

  • Member Variables
    • Instance variables
    • Class variables
  • Member Functions
    • Instance functions
    • Class functions
  • Implicit Methods
    • Constructor
      • Initialization
      • Uniform Initialization with Initializer Lists
      • Delegation
    • Destructor
    • Copy assignment operator
  • Rvalue references and Move Semantics – avoiding unnecessary deep copy
  • struct in C++
  • Package/Namespace

4. Inheritance

  • Realization
  • Performance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Virtual Inheritance

5. Polymorphism

  • Virtual Function
  • Virtual Destructor
  • Implementation
  • Runtime Type Information, RTTI
  • Performance

6. Templates

  • Function Template
  • Class Template
  • Variadic Templates
  • Code Bloat
  • Implementation Strategies
  • Template versus Inheritance?

7. Error Handling

  • Exception Handling
  • Performance Issues
  • Implementation

8. Inline Code

  • When to Use?
  • Strategies

9. Start-up

  • System Start-up
  • The C Part
  • The C++ Part

10. Standard Library

  • Standard Template Library, STL
  • iostream Library
  • STL Major Extensions due to Modern C++:
    • Rvalue References – Move semantics
    • Variadic Templates
    • Concurrency

11. Memory Management

  • The C++ Memory Model
    • Standardized Word Widths – The stdint-types
    • Strongly Typed Enumerations
    • Atomic Types and their Operations
  • constexpr
  • std::byte
  • Standard Library Allocator API
  • Strategies
  • Variables
  • Placement new
  • User Defined Memory Management

12. Interoperation between C and C++

  • Name Mangling
  • Static Initialization
  • Dynamic Memory
  • structContents
    • POD – Plain Old Data type

13. Design Patterns

  • RAII – Resource Acquisition Is Initialization
  • Memory-mapped I/O
  • Interrupt
  • Initialization of Static Objects

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