Nu kan IoT- enheder også håndtere sikkerhedscertifikater

Nu kan IoT- enheder også håndtere sikkerhedscertifikater

iotIcon Labs, Renesas og Verizon har sammen lavet en løsning, som tillader IoT-enheder at skaffe sig egne sikkerhedscertifikater. Derudover indeholder løsningen et antal funktioner såsom Secure Boot, Secure Firmware Update, sikker lagring af nøgler og certifikat, samt firewall.

IconLabs Floodgate Key Manager er en klient, der automatisk kan koble sig op mod udstedere af certifikater med en unik RTOS-kompatibel implementering af SCEP-protokollen. Den fungerer sammen med Linux, og en række forskellige RTOS som f.eks. uC/OSII, ThreadX og VxWorks.

Testautomation på en lettere måde – SeqZap

Testautomation på en lettere måde – SeqZap

Med SeqZap er det meget lettere at opsætte et testmiljø for dit embeddede system. SeqZap kræver ikke avanceret programmering og er især rettet mod løbende og repeterbare tests af systemet igennem hele udviklingsprocessen og resten af livscyklen.

Værktøjet vil spare dig for masser af tid, ved at automatisere dine tests og kan integreres i dit Jenkins/Hudson miljø.

It doesn’t take many minutes from an idea for a new test to having it automated in SeqZap. That’s really great.

– Allan Juul Larsen, Research Engineer, Man Diesel & Turbo A/S.

Finding Bugs is Only the Beginning

Finding Bugs is Only the Beginning


CodeSonar discovers and explains software defects and provides code understanding capabilities that assist with investigation of defects.

How does one judge the quality of a static analysis tool? It’s meaningful to talk about the quality of the lists produced by the tool. What is the precision? The recall?

Lauterbach PIL Simulation with TRACE32


Lauterbach PIL Simulation with TRACE32

Lauterbach has provided its Simulink plug-in for PIL (Processor-in-the-Loop) simulation. With this new plug-in, the modeling environment
can communicate directly with the target through a TRACE32 debugger.

Over the course of the last few years, model-based methods have become more and more important in software development. The advantage of model-based
methods is the continuous verifi cation of the software design. The Processor-in-the-Loop simulation has become an important step in the design verifi cation.

PIL Simulation

PIL simulations are performed to ensure the developed algorithms provide the correct functionality in the target environment. This verifi cation step can be
executed on one of the following target systems:

  • Final target hardware / evaluation board
  • Virtual target / core simulator
  • TRACE32 Instruction Set Simulator

ARM Introduces MDK-Plus Edition

ARM Introduces MDK-Plus Edition

ARM® Keil® MDK Version 5.20 is the industry-leading standard software development solution for ARM Cortex® microcontrollers. For Cortex-M devices, the new MDK-Plus edition adds comprehensive middleware for applications that require File System, Graphics, TCP/IP Networking, or USB Device interfaces.


μTrace for Cortex™-M

μTrace for Cortex™-M

A low-cost debugger for the Cortex-M family are available from Lauterbach. Due to the high market penetration of Cortex-M processors an all-in-one solution has been developed, that will provide the following features:

μTrace Characteristics

  • Support for more than 1000 different Cortex-M processors
  • USB 3 interface to the host computer
  • Standard JTAG, Serial Wire Debug, and cJTAG
  • 256 MByte trace memory
  • 34-pin half-size connector for target hardware and adapters for a wide variety of other connectors
  • Voltage range 0.3V to 3.3V, 5V tolerance

Debug Features

  • C/C++ debugging
  • Simple and complex breakpoints
  • Read and write memory during program runs
  • Flash programming
  • OS-aware debugging
  • Multicore debugging of two or more Cortex-M cores

Trace Features

  • 4-bit ETMv3 in Continuous mode
  • ITM over TPIU and Serial Wire Output
  • Multicore tracing
  • Streaming trace information to the host computer for long-term tracing, streaming rate up to 100 MByte/s
  • Analysis of task and function runtimes
  • Code coverage analysis
  • Trace evaluation even during recording
  • Energy measurement using TRACE32 Analog Probe

As with all Lauterbach products, μTrace is controlled by the TRACE32 PowerView GUI.

PCAN-Explorer 6 – New Version

PCAN-Explorer 6 – CAN FD, Trace Playback and More

Communicate with CAN and CAN FD Busses

The professional Windows software PCAN-Explorer, a program for observation, control, and simulation of CAN busses, has been released as version 6. Besides CAN 2.0 A/B, the PCAN-Explorer 6 now also supports the CAN FD standard with up to 64 data bytes per CAN message. Another new feature is the playback of previously recorded CAN traces on a connected CAN bus.

The configuration of the symbolic representation of CAN messages has also been revised. Signals are used to define the representation of the arising payload and then are assigned to the different CAN messages. Previous symbol definitions are still applicable and can be converted to the new format if required.

In general, the use of flexible, configurable filters for incoming and outgoing CAN messages and also for recordings is possible. The automation of small tasks or complex processes is done using macros or VBScript. The functionality of the PCAN-Explorer 6 can be extended by add-ins. PEAK-System, for example, offers a plotter, an instruments panel, CANdb import, and J1939 support.

Upgrade Details

Customers of the PCAN-Explorer 5 receive an upgrade to version 6 for the price difference, depending on the date of purchase of the previous version. Contact us for more info.

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